Here is a photo of me, oh a hundred years ago or so, with the very first pit bull I got to know and become bonded to. I don't even think I knew enough at the time to think about what breed he was. I just knew he was strong, tough to walk (but I was good at it,) and very sweet to me. To me he was just a dog and I was so happy to spend time with him. This was at the time I was living on my own in an apartment in Queens, I was not allowed to have a dog, but I was craving the companionship of one. I saw an ad somewhere for volunteer dog walkers needed, I made a call, and 13 years later (there I said it) I'm still at it.
Flash-forward to my life now, I have been volunteering in animal rescue all this time, working with all kinds of dogs and even some cats. But it is the pit bull dog that pulls at my heart strings and is most in need. Here in Long Island, NY and surrounding, the shelters are filled with pit bulls. This is not an exaggeration, in the shelter where I am currently volunteering, there are about 140-150 dogs at any time and maybe 10-15 are not pit bulls. I have had people to say to me, why are there only pit bulls in the shelter? Doesn't that prove what bad dogs they are? That's not even close to being the truth. The truth is that most of these dogs come into the shelter due to no fault of their own, mostly as strays. Backyard breeding is rampant here on LI and the most popular dog for breeding seems to be the pit bull. They have become a bizarre status symbol and many keep them chained in their yards as a symbol of their masculinity or I don't know what. Spay and neuter in my opinion is the solution to this problem. The more pit bull dogs and dogs in general that are spayed and neutered, the less dogs we will have in our shelters. Of course adoption vs. buying and breeding dogs is also part of the solution.
I will be rambling on about all this stuff as this blog takes form. This is just a quick intro to why I started this blog. There is much more to come. In addition to the serious stuff, I really want to celebrate pit bulls here, brag about my dogs, let other people brag about their dogs with some guest posts, talk about special dogs looking for homes, and talk about issues that interest pit bull guardians and dog guardians in general. Excited to get this baby off the ground as it is been ruminating in my head for a long time. Thanks for reading!